Friday, March 25, 2011

Paris Day 1!

After a long, but relatively un-eventful (if you don't count the man who threw up and passed out requiring an "all call" for a doctor over the PA system and a fear that we'd have to land and get him to a hospital) flight, we arrived in Paris at noon on Friday (4.5 hour flight Seattle to Atlanta, 9 hour flight Atlanta to Paris, 1.5 hour lay-over in Atlanta, 30 minutes to clear customs and grab our bags, and another 30 minute drive to the hotel).

After dropping off our things quickly and freshening up, our FIRST stop in Paris was a crepe stand!

You can't tell, but this is their first trip on the Metro.

First glimpse of the Eiffel Tower from the Metro

The Arch de Triumphe

Under the Arch, looking down the Champs Elysee.  Directly behind us is the tomb of the unknown soldier with the eternal flame.

Looking down one of the most famous streets in the world.  The Tour de France ends here.

A gigantic Sephora on the Champs Elysee

Place de la Concord.  They used to guillotine people here...including Marie Antoinette.  Now, this oblisque from Luxor, Egypt (a gift to Napoleon) stands here.

Looking back up the Champs Elysee...we walked that entire way from the Arch.

Egyptian hyroglyphics

Place Vendome.  The Ritz is on the right.

The Opera House
Phantom of the Opera is based on this place.

The mob of people waiting to get the Ipad2.  Released today.

Ceiling of the Galleries Lafayette!

Level after level of shopping pleasure...

Some tired and hungry girls at the brasserie we found.

Meredith and I had the warm goat cheese and ham salad.  C'est delicieux!

Tori and Jess both ordered burgers and fries.  They said it tasted more French...
(unpictured:  Zoe had a croque Madame and Madison had a steak salad similar to mine).

After dinner, we hit a small store for some water and candy bars (I've introduced them to Lion bars)!  Everyone was excited to shower (it was hot today...sun was shining and no one ever needed a coat or to even cover up our short sleeves) and rest our feet.  5/6th of us wore Toms today.  I'm pretty sure you won't see many Toms in this group tomorrow.  We probably walked 5 miles today.  Everyone is happy and ready to take on tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful pictures and updates! It looks like everyone is having a fabulous time and the weather is cooperating. Keep the posts coming! Have the girls practiced their French language skills?

Joia Poort said...

Yes! They ordered dinner entirely in French last night, and they've been saying lots of "Merci" and "Bonjour" to people. Tori even pulled out a "Ca m'ennerve!" when a pigeon almost attacked me near the Arch de Triumph!

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