Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday on the Mediterranean

TOMS on the beach

We ate our lunch of Pain baignets on the beach

Dipping their toes in the Mediterranean

We heart TOMS

We also heart gelato...and this place happens to have 100 flavors to choose from.  We've gone twice and each gotten 2 flavors each time...we don't repeat (but some of us have had the same flavor scoops).  We're trying to try as many flavors as possible.  We're making hard decisions here...

Price list.
"boule" means ball of ice cream.

Some of the more unusual flavors:  thyme, avocado, tomato basil, beer, rosemary.
We stayed out of this section.

The landmark of Nice.
I'll let Jessica explain our experience here when she does her entry tomorrow...

Nice has these 7 statues on top of huge poles.  They all face different directions to represent each of the 7 continents and the direction they are.  At night, they glow and change color.

Zoe's dinner:  gnocci a la carbonara

Jess and Madison had pizza with tuna fish on it

Meredith and I had mussels and a pizza with ham and mushrooms.


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